001 - NMF 2025 Open Call Application -

Norman Music Festival 2025
Open Call For Performers

Application Period: Oct 10 to Nov 10, 2024.

Festival Dates: April 24-26, 2025
Location: Downtown Norman, Oklahoma

NMF is a FREE 3-day 300+ act event dedicated to original music with the following format.
Thursday - 1 outdoor stage, 10+ official NMF partner venue stages
Friday - 4 outdoor stages, 15+ official NMF partner venue stages
Saturday - 4 outdoor stages, 15+ official NMF partner venue stages

All music genres are welcome and encouraged, but no cover bands please - original music only.

How NMF acts are booked:
1) NMF books all outdoor stage acts plus the Sooner Theatre. (Approximately 75 bands)
2) Most partner venues will be booked directly by that venue. (Approximately 250 performances)
3) You choose your stage interest level(s) in the application below.

Booking timeline:
Outdoor Stages completed by March 1st.
Partner venue stages by April 1st.
Cancellation and adjustment bookings may continue through early April.

On to the Application:

Band/Act Name *
Applying for: *
Primary Contact First Name *
Primary Contact Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns for Primary Contact
Email *
Phone *
Hometown *
Home State *



Have you played our festival before?
Which Year(s)?
Primary Genre *
Secondary Genre *
Number of Members *



Please upload a SQUARE photo of your band/act. *
Photo may be used for website, app, and festival promotional issues. For best results please upload a square image, with equal width and height. Rectangular images will end up getting cropped down.



Short Bio (400 character limit) *
Enter a brief summary about your act. May be used for website, app, and promotional content.
Current Activity (400 character limit) *
What has been your band been up to in recent months?
Stage Plot & Critical Info (400 character limit) *
Scheduling Issues (400 character limit)
If your act shares members with others that are also applying, please list all acts here.


Streaming Music:
Application MUST include at least one streaming source for festival consideration.
May be used for integration into web and app listings.

Be sure to enter a full and proper URL for any streaming or social service you submit.
for example: 

Other Streaming URL:

Social Media:
May be used for integration into web and app listings.

Be sure to enter a full and proper URL for any streaming or social service you submit.
for example: 

Virtual Tip Jar: 

Where do you receive tips from fans? May be used for integration into web and app listings.

Be sure to enter full and proper URL for any service you submit.
for example: 



Availability *
Please select all available days.
Thu 24/Apr
Fri 25/Apr
Sat 26/Apr
[all] Available
Smoking Contraint *
Do you have a smoking limitation on the type of venue you're able to play?
Age Constraint *
Do you have an age limitation on the type of venue you're able to play?



Optional: Norman Music Festival is striving to serve our entire musical community and produce an event that is reflective of all of those who make it vibrant and vital. To help us, please select any of the following that applies to the makeup of your act. This is for internal use only; all answers will be kept confidential and, again, your participation is optional.
Community Expanded
Optional: Do you identify as a part of another marginalized and/or underserved community not listed, or care to expand on any of those listed above?
Compensation Name *
If you are chosen as a compensated act, to whom should the check be made out? (Act name or personal name)



Terms and Conditions *